Interesting look at tomorrow's tv's and computers
By reading this article in the webpaper New Intel Chip for Digital TV Could Remake the Market , it triggered my mind on what will happen down the road with our computers and appliances.
Interesting article, where it shows again that Intel is starting probably another turn from their core business segment, and expanding onto the pure Consumer Electronics world.
This could not only bring them a broader market, but hopefully help them create the long awaited, computers that work as well as a TV set.
If this is not what happens, at least I think better monitors, and media will be created, since they already have investments in web TV broadcasting company, which has a very interesting approach at what TV will be.
Meanwhile we wait for the transition to easier to use computers, I sure hope we don't get more complicated to operate consumer electronics. This thought comes from my many problems when using microwaves, it seems like there is no standard on how to ope...